RFI Kenya Credential Application

Thank you very much for your interest in becoming an affiliate of Revival Fellowship International Kenya.


Non-Graduates of Eldoret Bible College may complete requirements found on this website and apply for affiliation and spiritual covering with RFI K.

In order to begin the process follow the steps below.


Fill out the application below and hit the SUBMIT APPLICATION button.


Once you have successfully filled out and submitted the application and it has been approved you will receive an email containing a link and password to STEP THREE. Step three includes reading 7 books by Dr. John Polis, writing paper on those books, and watching 4 additional videos with a brief synopsis of each.


This application is for those who are not currently credentialed with RFI K. This application will take 20 to 30 minutes of your time. Please provide sufficient time to thoroughly read through information and complete all questions. At the end of the application you will be prompted to submit the application fee for whatever you are applying for.


I PLEDGE to seek after the heart of God and apply myself to be conformed to His image in all areas of my life.

I PLEDGE to continually seek the current flow of the Holy Spirit in each and every unique move He gives to the Body of Christ without compromising Spiritual integrity.

I PLEDGE to live in a lifestyle that gives honor to God and abstain from questionable actions that would harm my testimony as a minister or discredit the body of Christ. This encompasses all biblical standards given by the Word of God morally, socially, and legally.

I PLEDGE to maintain proper Biblical order for my home and family.

I PLEDGE to operate in integrity within the financial operation of my home and ministry including tithing and the support of RFI according to requirements of membership.

I PLEDGE to operate within the constraints of confidentiality between ministers.

I PLEDGE to give myself to a ministry of restoration of fallen ministers and parishioners as they cooperate with that process.

On behalf of my church/ministry I PLEDGE to conduct affairs of my local church/ministry in full cooperation with the scriptures and tenets of RFI.

I PLEDGE to allow RFI as my spiritual covering to counsel, instruct, correct and restore my life in keeping with scriptural principles as needed.

I PLEDGE to actively participate in those functions that are designated for spiritual growth, relationships and productivity as hosted by RFI.

I PLEDGE to walk in love and avoid strife, gossip, criticism or any other destructive spirit that would seek to undermine the fellowship of RFI ministers an leaders.