Dr. John Polis
John Polis was saved and filled with Holy Spirit in 1974 during the Jesus Movement. He attended Dayton Bible College and graduated with a B.A. in Biblical Studies in 1980, after which he became pastor of a Pentecostal church in West Virginia.
In 1983, John had an encounter that transitioned him into the ministry of Apostle, afterwards he began to travel as an Evangelist and International Bible Teacher.
Among the works established was Eldoret Bible College, in Kenya, Africa, which was birthed in 1998 and has graduated over 2000 students with undergraduate and graduate degrees. Students have planted more than 600 churches throughout Africa to date, some of which have more than 5000 in attendance. John has been a television and radio host for more than 30 years and has authored 17 books, now translated into 6 languages. As President and Founder of Revival Fellowship International, John, and his wife Rebecca, have many spiritual sons and daughters in 13 States and 5 Countries. John carries and imparts an Elijah Anointing to prepare the Church for discipling nations as mature sons and daughters. John serves on the Council of Elders for the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders and is a former United States Marine, being a veteran of the Vietnam War. John and Rebecca have been married 47 years with 4 children and 9 grandchildren.
In 1983, John had an encounter that transitioned him into the ministry of Apostle, afterwards he began to travel as an Evangelist and International Bible Teacher.
Among the works established was Eldoret Bible College, in Kenya, Africa, which was birthed in 1998 and has graduated over 2000 students with undergraduate and graduate degrees. Students have planted more than 600 churches throughout Africa to date, some of which have more than 5000 in attendance. John has been a television and radio host for more than 30 years and has authored 17 books, now translated into 6 languages. As President and Founder of Revival Fellowship International, John, and his wife Rebecca, have many spiritual sons and daughters in 13 States and 5 Countries. John carries and imparts an Elijah Anointing to prepare the Church for discipling nations as mature sons and daughters. John serves on the Council of Elders for the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders and is a former United States Marine, being a veteran of the Vietnam War. John and Rebecca have been married 47 years with 4 children and 9 grandchildren.

Dr. Rebecca Polis
Dr. Rebecca Polis has happily served the Lord since accepting Him in 1975. She has functioned as a prophetic teacher both on the local and International scene, been a radio and TV host, and served as a co-apostle with her husband Dr. John as a church planter and pastor. She and her husband have been married 42 years and have four children. She is considered a spiritual mother to Revival Fellowship International, an apostolic fellowship represented in the U.S. and in five countries. Her greatest desire is to serve the Lord in mentoring, mothering, and bringing maturity to the Body of Christ.

Rev. Fred Machini
My name is Rev. Fred Machini kitui, founder of Revival Fire Ministry. l'm a graduate from Eldoret Bible College with a BA degree in Bible theology and MA degree in Christian Leadership.
While at the college, I received Godly counsel through the college president, Dr. John Polis. On completion of my BA, I received a call from the Lord to start a ministry. The denomination in which I was did not have a provision for covering another ministry other than that of the denomination. After prayer, I requested Dr. John if he could offer cover to my ministry. It was joy to me as he accepted and prayed for me. On June 2nd, 2013, my ministry, the Revival Fire Ministry, started at the slopes of my Elgon in Transnzoia county, Kenya. The fire has continued, many people getting saved, growing to maturity and are bing sent out.
So far God has blessed us with 6 churches, 12 pastors raised in this ministry, teachers of the word, evangelists, all to the glory of God. The teachings by my spiritual father Dr. John Polis through conferences, CDs and online have imparted to my life and ministry. I thank God for the good choice I made to have my ministry affiliated to Revival Fellowship International of Dr. John. With minimum supervision but much accounterbility before God, God's great work is being done. I give glory to God and encourage any minister who has a call to serve God and needs cover to consider joining Revival Fellowship International of Dr John Polis. May God order your steps.
While at the college, I received Godly counsel through the college president, Dr. John Polis. On completion of my BA, I received a call from the Lord to start a ministry. The denomination in which I was did not have a provision for covering another ministry other than that of the denomination. After prayer, I requested Dr. John if he could offer cover to my ministry. It was joy to me as he accepted and prayed for me. On June 2nd, 2013, my ministry, the Revival Fire Ministry, started at the slopes of my Elgon in Transnzoia county, Kenya. The fire has continued, many people getting saved, growing to maturity and are bing sent out.
So far God has blessed us with 6 churches, 12 pastors raised in this ministry, teachers of the word, evangelists, all to the glory of God. The teachings by my spiritual father Dr. John Polis through conferences, CDs and online have imparted to my life and ministry. I thank God for the good choice I made to have my ministry affiliated to Revival Fellowship International of Dr. John. With minimum supervision but much accounterbility before God, God's great work is being done. I give glory to God and encourage any minister who has a call to serve God and needs cover to consider joining Revival Fellowship International of Dr John Polis. May God order your steps.

Michael Kangogo
The vision of the Revival Family Church was birthed in July 2006, was confirmed in June 2007. It was established on the 4th of May 2008. God was very specific on the name of the ministry (New Wine Ministries) later in 2018 changed to Revival Family Church and the place base Mti Moja-Near University of Eldoret. Eldoret City-Kenya as He spoke to the vision bearer Rev. Michael K. Kangogo.
This is an apostolic and prophetic movement. It is a new wine in the new wineskin Mathew 9:16. It is NOT a denomination but it is a fellowship, network and a family of believers who have consciously chosen to live holy lives. This is abase so that to do the work of ministry all over the World according to Mathew 28:10 and accomplish God’s divine calling for the ministry.
This is an apostolic and prophetic movement. It is a new wine in the new wineskin Mathew 9:16. It is NOT a denomination but it is a fellowship, network and a family of believers who have consciously chosen to live holy lives. This is abase so that to do the work of ministry all over the World according to Mathew 28:10 and accomplish God’s divine calling for the ministry.

James Wanyoni
Shalom, I am pastor James m. Wanyonyi. A son in the faith to Dr. John polis. I pastor Breakthrough Family Chapel. I have a B.A in Bible and theology from global university. Masters of Arts in Organizational Leadership. Marrried to Patricia Ademba Wanyonyi.

Tim & Rose Bolyard
Rose and I have been traveling to Africa since 1998 representing Revival Fellowship International. We have served in multiple capacities over the years such as teaching in the Bible College, leadership conferences, men’s and women’s conferences and marriage retreats. We lived in Kenya for four years as a Barnabas Ministry/ Ministry of Encouragement / Brother and Sister of Encouragement to the RfI Kenya affiliates. We arrived there in October of 2008 not long after the2007 clashes that put many of our affiliates through traumatic experiences. For the four years we lived there we made multiple trips to the homes of all of our affiliates to be there to encourage them and be boots on ground of love. We rally had to press the real reason we were there was to first of all to be a personal touch to the affiliates. After one round of visits, we gained a reputation that when we came to villages and towns in Kenya it was not to hold a crusade or leadership conference but to touch their lives personally with a hug and to spend personal time with them and their families as well had they ministry family. We continue to reach out to our Revival Fellowship International Kenya affiliates as often as technology allows.